Getting around in Manila

Getting around in Manila

When we arrived in the Philippines, one of the first things we were told was “never judge a missionary by the things they say while driving in Manila,” and while it didn’t make any sense at the time, it didn’t take long at all to understand what they meant. There were no familiar fast flowing freeways in Manila, so going from any one place to another involved taking miles of clogged city roads.  Major roads were often two lanes in each direction, but where space allowed, the road widened to three lanes.  Traffic would quickly expand into the third lane in an effort to get ahead in the painfully slow congestion, but a few hundred feet ahead, a neighborhood or bridge would collapse the road down to two lanes again, forcing the traffic to merge, and creating even more congestion in the process.  Continue reading “Getting around in Manila”

Plans for 2018!

I wanted to thank you for you patience with the lack of content for the remainder of 2017.  I had every intention of returning to publishing stories and videos once school started again, but life had some other plans:

Our boys are now in different schools and have different schedules and sports.  My wife has been traveling more for work.  There were a few important projects that needed to be wrapped up.   And I have made a commitment to put a healthy life first, meaning taking time to workout, cook healthy meals, and maintain friendships ahead of making content.

With that said, here is my plan for 2018.  My main focus will be on writing, with the goal of finishing up the story of our missionary lives before the end of the year.   I hope to hold loosely to the goal of publishing a story every two weeks or so.  As far as Divergent Explorers, I have about 35 videos waiting for editing, and we have been busy making plans for future adventures.  While my focus will be on writing, I still hope to publish videos intermittently.  As far as Social Media is involved, I hope to startup regular instagram posts and weekly Facebook updates again.

Thanks for following along and I hope to get some new content out soon!


DIWhy: Replacing the French Drain

DIWhy: Replacing the French Drain

Last year when we purchased our new home we were aware of a problem with the backyard.   The yard had two levels, and while the upper level was normally firm and dry, the bottom level was a soggy mess.  Even in the home realty photos, you could see _property_52dd902f-4d83-48de-9552-9dbd8712eb15-635928688207505000-130th_14583_medium_18lines running down the yard where the lawnmower wheels had sunk deep into the soil.  When we first purchased the home we were heading into summertime and our focus was on a few high priority repairs, so we decided to leave the yard as a project for the next year.  Going through fall and into the winter rains, we watched as the backyard once again became a soggy mess.  When heavy rains came through, the water would flood the yard, drain across our patio and spill down our driveway – a less than ideal scenario.  Given the appearance of gravel lining the patio and several clean out drains, I was aware that there was a French drain present, albeit not functioning.  As I performed an investigatory dig of the drain, I found that there was indeed a pipe, but drainage fabric had never been installed so the gravel had been filled in with silt ending the drains usefulness.  During that dig I also discovered the presence of several sprinkler heads and PVC water lines within the trench making the project even more difficult.  Using a shovel and brute force were out, and using a hand trowel and weeding fork to delicately excavate the trench were in.

Going into springtime, I started looking for a several week window to complete the project.  We normally have a group of 25-30 people over for a Bible study twice a month, but when one of the dates fell on Fathers Day and couldn’t be moved, it gave me a one month gap in our schedule where having our backyard torn up and in shambles wouldn’t be a problem.  The project window had presented itself and I jumped on the chance.  The morning after homegroup I started the slow and steady archeological IMG_1868excavation of the existing drain.  The only problem was I had no idea where the drain lines ran to carry the water to an outlet on the street.  My only solution was to continue excavating and see what I would find.  In the first week digging out the gravel and pipe next to the patio there were no surprises, but as I started into the second week, there were plenty.  There was an unexpected drain line that ran to the neighbors fence, complete with a clean out that had been buried under six inches of soil.   The drain line that ran down towards the street had another clean out that was buried under four inches of soil.  And at the other end of the patio was a completely different drain pipe that had been laid directly into the soil and was broken in several places.  I had planned to add a drain line to that side of the patio and had questioned how I was going to connect the new line to a drain, but to my delight, the very end of the broken drain line was intact and did in fact connect to an existing drain.  By the end of the second week, I had finished digging out the trenches for the new drain lines, pulled all of the old pipe out of the ground, and  was ready to start installing the new drain.


On a run to Home Depot, we returned with 100 feet of drain pipe, 100 feet of drainage fabric, and several pipe connectors.  With the boys now out of school, I explained to them that the sooner we got this project finished, the sooner we could start on our fun summer stuff – biking, backpacking, swimming and the like.  They helped me lay in the fabric and piece together the new drain pipe.  The next day a delivery truck dumped two yards of
drainage rock in our driveway, and we set to work filling the drain with the rock – two five gallon buckets of rock at a time.  This time around we made sure to completely seal the drain with the drainage fabric to prevent soil from clogging the drain like the last one.  As I sit here towards the end of the third week, we are completely done with half the trench.  We have one last week to lay the final sections of pipe, use up the rock pile in the driveway, take a large pile of trash to the dump, and hose everything down before our next homegroup.


As I tested the completed sections of pipe earlier today, I was elated with how well it worked – quickly draining all of the water from a hose on full blast.  I’m hopeful that all of the hours of backbreaking work (aka chiropractor job security) will make a significant difference to our previously soggy lawn when the rains return in a few short months.  It feels good to get such a large project off the list and have the satisfaction that it was done right.  But as with any homeowner, the completion of this project marks the beginning of another – getting ready to have the entire exterior of the house painted in three weeks…

If you enjoyed our story and think your friends would like it, we would love for you to share it using one of the buttons below.  If you want to stay up to date with all of my writings, travels and personal stories, you can follow me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram at divergentjoel.

© Divergent Life Media, LLC

Falling off the face of the Earth

Falling off the face of the Earth

This past winter in Portland was rainy – really rainy.  The rainiest winter since records started being kept in 1940.  The upside to all of the rain was plenty of incentive to stay inside and focus on work.  Over the fall and winter months I spent my days working on writing or video editing and even got an extra hour of work time in the afternoon while the boys were doing their indoor sports.  But the downside to all of the rain was pushing off a large swath of life “until the weather gets better.”  Home projects, task list items, workouts, and spending time with friends could all wait until the dreary weather improved.  Weeks of delay turned into months and my to do list steadily grew longer with the rainfall record.  Then came spring break.  Heading down for a week of sunshine in California, I took a break from work and purposed myself to get organized and ready for the impending summer.  Then the panic hit.  I had a long list of things to do that needed to be completed before the boys were out of school, and a whole other list of fun adventures and not so fun chores that needed to get completed during the summer months.  I wrestled with how I was going to get everything done that I needed to and still meet my work goals.   I figured I would be super efficient with my time and try alternating my to do list items with work, but it didn’t seem to work out that way.  The main problem was that we purchased a new house last spring and had decided to complete only essential repairs that first year.  So this spring, repairing the long list of problems we had noticed in our new house were coming due.  Finding a painting contractor and sampling colors to replace the well faded exterior paint.  Pressure washing ten years of grime and moss of the patio, driveway and sidewalks.  Digging out and replacing the silt clogged French drain in the back yard.  From the subfloor to the roof shingles, there were dozens of major and minor repairs or improvements to be done.  As with any project, once I got started fixing one issue, I found two more hidden behind.  Projects that were supposed to take several hours or days bloomed into taking several days or weeks.  In addition to working on projects, I started working out, meeting up with friends, and ferrying to boys to their now outdoor sports.  At the end of the day I would look back on a long and productive day, but guilty I hadn’t gotten any of my writing or video editing done.  I consistently told myself to give it another few days until the workload decreased, but it never worked out that way.  I wanted to provide an update to my predicament, but without a firm commitment of when my posts would recommence, I didn’t know what to say.  With summer break only a week away, it is finally time to face the facts.

I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth, or given up on either of my writing or travel videos.  I still have years of stories to write and dozens of videos to edit. Life just got busy for a season.  And with the boys being out of school for the summer, I will be busy for a while.  So here are my goals: to stay connected on Facebook, Instagram and continue my Weekly Writing posts.  If I should happen to have time to work on my writing or videos, I hope to get some of those posts up too.  If all else fails, I will return with more writing and videos this fall, with the benefit of having completed my projects and summer adventures.

I wanted to say thank you for following along and hope you all have a great and safe summer!


Culture Shock

Culture Shock

“Normal is an illusion.  What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” – Charles Addams

After the first few weeks of being in the Philippines, the realization set in that we weren’t in California anymore.  It seemed that with every new task, there was a learning curve of how life would be different in this new land.  Even the simplest things like buying a soda came with unexpected changes.  When it was time to buy a soda from one of the sari-sari stories down the street, I selected my soda, asked how much it cost and forked over a few pesos.  The lady behind the counter then popped open the soda cap on a glass bottle, poured the contents into a plastic bag, stuck a straw in the bag and handed it over to me.  Holding the bag tightly, I thanked the lady and walked back to the house confused as to what had just happened.  As it turns out, the Philippines had not yet switched over to using plastic bottles or metal cans, and almost all soda was sold in glass bottles.  There was a bottle deposit added to your purchase so that you would return your glass bottle, which would then be picked up by the bottling company, washed, refilled with soda, and shipped out again.  To save the hassle of paying for and returning bottles, many Sari-Sari stores would simply pour the contents of the glass bottle into a clear plastic bag, and not charge you the cost of the bottle deposit.  As long as you held the top of the bag tight enough, the whole thing worked quite well. Continue reading “Culture Shock”

Arriving in the Philippines

Arriving in the Philippines

June 28, 1990

After spending the previous night in a hotel after our long flight across the Pacific Ocean, my Brother, Sister, Mom, and I prepared ourselves for the relatively short three-hour flight from Taipei, Taiwan to Manila, Philippines later that morning.  Before long, we were watching the blue ocean and puffy white tropical clouds stream by under our wings.  Starting our descent into Manila, banking left over Manila bay, the ocean water changed from a vibrant blue to an emerald brown as the shoreline appeared.  The land was swathed with vivid green palm trees and dotting the outskirts of the city were small collections of homes built out of corrugated metal roofing with intermixed colors – shiny sliver, rusted red, and painted black matte.  As the plane lowered to the ground you could start to see office buildings, neighborhood developments, and every piece of spare space filled in by shanty towns.  Nearing the runway, the plane finally touched its wheels down onto our new home.  The plane loudly rattled down the rough runway, like a car quickly driving over a pitted road.  The plane slowed, turned off onto the taxiway, and made its way to the nearby terminal.  We disembarked through a flight bridge into a bright and airy terminal lined with plants, posters of tropical island beaches, and images of blue city skylines.  Continue reading “Arriving in the Philippines”

The Legacy of Paper

The Legacy of Paper

A few years ago, I was one in the crowd of people that thad switched over from carrying around a bulky Bible and journal and replaced them with my iPhone or iPad.  I had my app, my highlights, and my notes – all in one easy to reach spot that went everywhere with me.  My pastor was not fond of this technological change – lamenting the lack of collective page rustling when turning from one verse to another, and listing off several reasons why pen and paper were better in a decidedly prejudiced side track to his sermon.   There were advantages to the app as well – access to different translations, Bibles in other languages, word studies, and did I mention portability?  Unswayed, for the next year I tapped away at my cold glowing glass screen.  That is, until the sentences that changed it all… Continue reading “The Legacy of Paper”

The day I met my wife

March 12, 1998

Instead of finishing out my senior year at the local high school, I had decided to enter into a program where I could finish my senior year of high school and freshman year of college at the same time down at the community college.  During my second semester, I was taking Statistics 101, and my college professor had done the math and pointed out that the chances of someone in the class of 60 having a birthday on that day were actually pretty high.  Myself, having a distinct lack of social grace and care about my reputation, decided to put the theory to the test and begin saying “Happy Birthday” to everyone I met.  Friends, classmates, strangers and passerbys were all greeted with a “hey, happy birthday.”  There were some that walked past avoiding eye contact, some that gave strange looks, and some that replied “ummm.  It’s not my birthday.”  My responses were varied and equally awkward.  “Well, happy birthday when it comes” or happy un-brirthday then.” Continue reading “The day I met my wife”

Preparations and Plane Flights

Preparations and Plane Flights

In the years that we were living in Pasadena, Mom and Dad had watched as the political climate in South Korea become increasingly nationalistic.  The government started pressing Protestant mission organizations to prove that their missions work in South Korea was necessary, and that they were doing tasks that the South Koreans themselves could not.  The number of visas were being restricted and several missionaries with other organizations had already had to send missionaries to other countries instead.  In addition, the group our mission organization had been working with had splintered and was no longer considered by the government to be a stable sponsor.  By the start of our fourth year, the writing was on the wall that the door to return to South Korea had closed, and our missions organization, the Christian & Missionary Alliance, asked my parents about changing their field of service.   They were interested in having my Dad become professor at the Alliance Biblical Seminary (ABS) in Manila, Philippines.  The change was a disappointment for my Dad, who really wished to return to South Korea, but he accepted the new assignment it faith.  Serendipitously, the leaders of the South Korean churches we had worked with had previously approached ABS about training their South Korean missionary candidates there, so Mom and Dad were encouraged that their work with Koreans would continue even in Manila.

During this time, my parents had remained silent about the changes to us kids until they knew for sure what they would be doing and where we would be living.  One seemingly normal evening after dinner, Mom and Dad called us kids around the dining table for some news.   “We’re not going back to South Korea,” they solemnly said.  Continue reading “Preparations and Plane Flights”

Two New Websites

Two New Websites

For the past several months, I have been using one website for two different projects – a divergent life with stories about growing up as a missionary kid and Divergent Explorers with videos about traveling Oregon and beyond.  But the time has come to give each the home it deserves.  I have been working hard this week on reformatting this website solely for my writings and created an entirely new website to host our travel videos. Continue reading “Two New Websites”